Name: Shakuntala Devi
Date of Birth : 4th November 1929
Birth Place: Bangaluru, India
Date of Death: 21st April 2013
Death place: Bangaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nationality : Indian
Famous us: Human Computer.
Occupation: Social Worker.
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Religion: Hinduism
Spouse/Partner: Paritosh Bannerji
children: Anupama Banerji
- In 1969 she was awarded the title of the ‘Most Distinguished Woman of the Year’ by the University of Philippines.
She received the ‘Ramanujan Mathematical Genius’ Award in Washington D.C in 1988.
- Her name was listed in the ‘1995 Guinness Book of World Records’ edition for her outstanding mathematical feat
- where she beat the world’s fastest computer at multiplying two thirteen digit numbers.
- A month before her death, she was honored with the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ in Mumbai, in 2013.
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