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Online shopping

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Online shopping allows to directly buy goods or services from the seller using the internet. The product information with price and retailer details is viewed. The online shopping is used to the customers, to business person and one business person to another business person. The online shopping stores are available for the different type of materials, brands, etc., Payment method is easy for the customers. The available payment methods are credit card, debit card, Paypal payments, cash on delivery, online transaction, money order etc.,


Shopify is used to create the e-commerce website. It allows to sell the goods in the online store. The Shopify website is used to create a new product, set the tax percentage, set the discount offers, shipping cost, payment methods etc.


The shipping means transporting the items from one place to another place, or from one person to another person. The shipping method is used to send the product safely on time. There are many different shipping couriers available. The shipping cost calculation based on weight, size.

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